Sumiwar Nasha Mukti Kendra | heroin addiction treatment in Patna. Nasha Mukti Kendra Wed, 29 Mar 2023 06:53:36 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Sumiwar Nasha Mukti Kendra | heroin addiction treatment in Patna. 32 32 Best Heroin Addiction Treatment Center in Patna, Bihar Tue, 21 Mar 2023 07:00:12 +0000  Best Heroin Addiction Treatment Center in Patna, Bihar If You are searching for the best Heroin addiction treatment in Patna, then you are in the right place. We guide you…

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 Best Heroin Addiction Treatment Center in Patna, Bihar

If You are searching for the best Heroin addiction treatment in Patna, then you are in the right place. We guide you in this article to find the best heroin addiction treatment center in Patna.

Symptoms and treatments

To stop the spread of heroin addiction and keep India free from it, Sumiwar Nasha Mukti Kendra and addiction treatment facilities in Patna have been working hard. As one of the top facilities in Patna for treating heroin addiction, the heroin treatment center in Bihar’s capital city of Patna has been recognized.

Around 1 crore of India’s 7.5 billion drug addicts are heroin addicts. Opium is illegally grown on a large scale in Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand, and many other states of the nation.

which contributes to the drug’s easy availability throughout the nation. Additionally, it is smuggled into India from nations like Afghanistan that are near us.

What is Heroin?

Heroin, also known as diamorphine among other names, is an opioid that is most frequently used as a recreational drug due to its euphoric effects. It is applied medically in many nations as an opioid replacement therapy or a means of pain relief.

The most common way to use heroin is by injection, usually into a vein, but it can also be smoked, snorted, or inhaled. The effects typically start quickly and last for a few hours.

Dry mouth, sleepiness, mental impairment, constipation, and addiction are examples of typical side effects. Within hours of the last use, withdrawal symptoms can start when a habit is abandoned after prolonged use.

When heroin is injected into a vein, the effects are two to three times greater than when morphine is used in a similar amount. Usually, it appears as a white or brown powder.

Symptoms of addiction

  1. mouth and skin are both dry.
  2. pupils that are constricted
  3. Insomnia
  4. reduced breathing (if using heroin)
  5. nausea, vomiting, and itching
  6. inability to think clearly
  7. A poor effort
  8. Heroin injected frequently can result in:
  • Abscesses
  • heart valves with infection
  • blood-borne infections and bloodborne illnesses,
  • Pneumonia


How well you recover from heroin addiction will solely depend on several factors, such as how much and how long you have used the drug.

Your ability to comprehend and deal with additional difficulties, such as underlying psychological issues that might have been brought on by (excessive) heroin use, will be crucial to your recovery.

Outpatient and residential treatment facilities are both available.

Nearly one-quarter of heroin users become dependent on the drug because it is so highly addictive.

It is not uncommon for addicts to put their jobs, their relationships with their loved ones.

and many other things at risk in order to obtain more drugs.

However, heroin addiction can likely be treated. The benefits of early diagnosis and treatment of diseases caused by addiction.

To reverse and treat heroin addiction, Sumiwar Naasha Mukti Kendra combines medication compliance programs with rehabilitation therapy.

Our treatment facility in Patna is dedicated to offering addicted patients support during their treatment through inpatient or outpatient care programs. Every patient has a unique treatment plan that is created while taking into account their symptoms. Our treatment strategy is all-encompassing and includes counselling, therapy, and support groups. 

Treatment begins with medicines that aid in reducing heroin cravings, followed by behavioural therapy to naturally decrease cravings later on in the treatment.

Heroin Addiction

At our rehabilitation centers, we make patients engage in social activities. Yoga and meditation are also taught. We try to restore their lifestyles to normalcy and help them in every manner possible to keep addiction and related symptoms at bay. We provide support to family members too, which can help in expediting the recovery process. Also, we remain in touch with the patient after the treatment is over, in order to eliminate the possibility of a relapse.

Connect with us today to discuss the issues of your Problem with Sumiar Nasha Mukti Kendra who is the Best Heroin addiction treatment center in Patna.

The post Best Heroin Addiction Treatment Center in Patna, Bihar appeared first on Sumiwar.
